Leadership Florida

Cornerstone Class 39, 2020-22. Very proud to be joined by so many illustrious local colleagues, including my former FIU Architecture student, the enormously talented Gus Barrera, the innovative Village Manager, Ralph Rosado, the gifted lawyer Steven Solomon, and the amazing Michelle Alban, to name just a few shown above. It’s a great class born in […]

Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce

2020-21 Vice Chair Chamber Board of Governors. The Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce was formed in 1921 to promote the economic well-being of Miami Beach’s citizens, to improve the quality of life for the entire community, and to communicate the view of the business community on major issues of public policy. The Chamber Building symbolizes […]

Miami Today, 2020

Best of Miami in Times of Crisis Award. While I may have provided a face for this award, it really goes to my many, many wonderful colleagues who pulled together with their 3D printers, their good humor, advice and resilience that made the distribution of face shields from FIU possible during the pandemic. From Miami […]